Boost Your Immune System with These Simple and Effective Approaches

Boost Your Immune System with These Simple and Effective Approaches
In this blog post, we explore the importance of maintaining a healthy immune system and provide tips on how to give it a boost. Getting enough sleep and staying hydrated are simple yet effective ways to support your immune system. Prioritizing quality sleep and staying hydrated can have a remarkable impact on your overall well-being. Good nutrition is another essential tool that can help strengthen your immune system. Incorporating a well-balanced diet packed with vital vitamins and minerals is crucial. Regular exercise is also crucial for maintaining a strong and healthy immune system. Exercise helps manage stress and improves blood circulation, allowing immune cells to move freely throughout our bodies. If you're looking for extra support, consider integrating immune-boosting supplements and exploring the world of essential oils. By choosing supplements and essential oils from trusted sources like Young Living, you can feel confident in nourishing your body with the highest quality ingredients to strengthen your immune system and thrive.

Summer Wellness Tips

Summer Wellness Tips
Summer is a great time to focus on setting daily wellness habits that are easily continued when the colder months arrive! We have some simple things we do every day to help us feel energized, focused and on track of self-care of our overall health. From staying hydrated and incorporating fresh fruits and veggies into our meals to getting outside for exercise and soaking up the vitamin D from the sun, these small steps make a big difference in our well-being. We also do our best to prioritize quality sleep and make sure to carve out time for relaxation and stress relief. By being mindful of our daily habits, we can optimize our health and well-being no matter the season.  We've discovered that adding these small but mighty routines to our daily habits has had a significant impact on our overall health and well-being. 
To view these simple wellness tips... >>> Go Here!

Beating the Winter Blues

Beating the Winter Blues
In this blog post, we explore the beauty of winter and how essential oils can help us navigate the season with grace. Winter is a time of rest and renewal, but it can also bring feelings of lethargy and heaviness. By understanding our dominant energy type and using the right oils, we can lift our spirits and embrace the winter season fully.

According to Ayurveda, our health is a balance of mind, body, and spirit, and winter is associated with the kapha energy type. This energy is characterized by heaviness, mental fog, and sometimes weight gain. To combat these feelings, we can create a routine with essential oils like Jasmine, Neroli, Ylang Ylang, Rosemary, Basil, Eucalyptus, Palo Santo, Frankincense, or Sacred Mountain.

The routine involves applying the oils to various parts of the body, such as between the toes, the wrists, the ears, and the temples. This practice can help us let go of negative feelings and embrace the winter season with a sense of warmth and vitality. As always, it's important to consult with a physician before using these products, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition.

Spiced Apple Cider

Spiced Apple Cider
Nothing says fall like a warm cup of Spiced Apple Cider! It's so easy to whip up for a cozy Friday night or a family gathering. You can even keep it warm in a crockpot so you can enjoy it as the day goes on. Includes several of Young Living’s Vitality oils that invoke feelings of comfort and warmth!
Spiced Apple Cider
6 c apple cider 
2 c pineapple juice
5 drops Cinnamon Bark Vitality
5 drops Tangerine Vitality 
5 drops Clove Vitality
2 drops Ginger Vitality
2 drops Nutmeg Vitality  
Simply stir all the ingredients together in a large pot on the stovetop over medium-high heat. Heat thoroughly and serve warm in your favorite festive mugs!  

A Clean Diffuser Works Wonders!

A Clean Diffuser Works Wonders!
Cleaning your diffuser is important, since oil residue can build up on the inside, affecting how well it works. Your diffuser care routine should include a quick clean after each use and a monthly deep clean.
These tips will show you how to clean your diffuser quickly and easily, so you can get back to filling the room with all the yummy aromas!

 Quick Clean after each use: 
  1. Turn off and unplug your diffuser
  2. Dump out any remaining water, being careful to not allow any liquid to go towards the electrical area of the diffuser
  3. Using a damp rag or soft cloth, wipe out the diffuser
  4. Fill with water and oils and you're ready to go.
 Monthly Deep Clean: 
  1. Turn off and unplug your diffuser.
  2. Fill the water reservoir halfway to the fill line with filtered water.
  3. Run the diffuser in a well-ventilated area for up to 5 minutes
  4.  Empty the diffuser.
  5. Dip a cotton swab in rubbing alcohol and clean the ultrasonic plate to remove any extra buildup.
  6. Rinse the reservoir with water; then wipe it clean and dry up excess water with a soft cloth.
  7.  Add water and essential oils; then diffuse away!
Deep Cleaning - When diffuser isn't running as it should and it needs descaling from the mineral build-up. Try this! 
  1. Turn off and unplug your diffuser.
  2. Fill the water reservoir halfway to the fill line with filtered water.
  3. Add 10 drops of vinegar to a diffuser and let this cleaning solution sit for about five minutes.
  4. Start your diffuser and let it run for a few minutes, then drain the water and vinegar mixture completely.
  5. Dip a cotton swab in vinegar, clean the nooks and crannies.
  6. Then rinse thoroughly (being extra careful of the all the electrical components) and dry the diffuser thoroughly. Repeat the process if some spots are still dirty, and rinse and dry with a clean cloth.
  7. You can also take a cotton swab and dip it in rubbing alcohol and wipe the ultrasonic plate. This ensures that you're cleaning all the old residue off the plate.
  8. Your diffuser will be extra clean and ready to add your favorite oils! Enjoy!
Important Safety Note: We want you to be safer than sorry!!!  If you accidently got water on the electrical parts of your diffuser, Do not plug it in until you know that it is completely dried out. Unfortunetly, it may take a day or so to dry out!

Tips for using your Oils and Products Daily

Tips for using your Oils and Products Daily
Let’s get real here, the hardest part of any routine is staying consistent. Yet, as we all know, the more consistent we are, the easier it becomes. I feel this is especially true when it comes to using our oils and supplements. Once our routine is established, we automatically grab those healthy tools. So, if you are just beginning to establish your wellness routine or you are a seasoned oiler and summer events got you off track...that's ok!

Give yourself grace!
Whatever events have come between you and your consistency, forgive yourself and simply start again!
Here are some tips for using your oils and oil-infused products every day … 
  • Have your oils and supplements OUT and visible. If they are stored deep in a cluttered drawer they will be out of sight, out of mind. Keep them on a stand, a shelf, on a counter, wherever you will SEE them and use them.
  • Label and/or organize your oils. Group them in similar colors or organize them alphabetically. You could even set them apart based on certain needs you have.
  • Make rollers. Rollers provide a quick, convenient way to dilute your oils and have them ready for application whenever you or your family has a need. 
  • Pair your oils with other daily activities you’re already accustomed to. Set a roller by your toothbrush so you apply it every morning. Have a bottle of oil and a carafe of water sitting next to your diffuser on your bedside table so you don’t forget to diffuse at bedtime. Set rollers or sprays near the backdoor where you store your shoes or purse and use them on your way out.
  • Set a reminder on your phone to remind yourself to take your supplement or use your oils. After a couple weeks you will find that you will automatically be grabbing your products, before the alarm goes off.

The Importance of Early Morning Sunlight

The Importance of Early Morning Sunlight
Many of us are willing to invest both time and money into our well-being. From the best food money can buy, to exercise equipment, to the many tools and modalities to achieve optimal performance. When it comes to our wellness it’s always a good investment.
But what if there was an easy and free way that anybody could harness healthy hormones, good sleep, and a better mood? 
The good news is, there is! Sunlight! It has powerful properties that humans have evolved throughout history to utilize for better health. Taking a small amount of time, first thing in the morning, is a simple but potent way to reap many benefits of sunlight!