
to Enhance 
Your Wellness Journey
When it comes to all things wellness related, the benefits of utilizing resources cannot be overstated. Connecting with a community of like-minded individuals who share similar wellness goals can provide invaluable support and inspiration. Books and reference materials serve as a wealth of knowledge, offering insights and guidance on various wellness practices. To enhance your wellness journey, I encourage you to tap into the power of Young Living's vast resources, including our Rooted in Wellness Community forums, classes,  educational books, and informative reference materials.

 Essential Oils: 
On the Go Field Reference. 

This is absolutely our favorite guide for using essential oils!  You can experience the ultimate guidance in essential oil education with our fully revamped Field Reference. Packed with the latest and most extensive information available, it stands as the pinnacle of years of dedicated research, offering original protocols for essential oil use. Now in a more comprehensive format than ever, it remains the trusted source for wellness. Dive into the richness of genuine, quality insights with a reference guide that truly has no equal. Your journey to wellness for you and your family starts here – bigger, better, and more insightful than ever!
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Books, References
+ so much more!

Do you love diving into the world of natural wellness? We've got a couple of go-to resources for amazing reference books, cool apparel, and must-have accessories. 'Seeds of Thyme' and 'Growing Healthy Homes' are our top picks because they're packed with Young Living approved goodies, all designed with YOU in mind!

Why not start browsing through either (or both!) of these sites today and discover everything you need to deepen your understanding?
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Rooted in Wellness 

Dive into a world of wellness and community in our exclusive member's area! Discover a supportive and vibrant community eager to connect over all things wellness. With access to inspiring DIY recipes, self-paced classes, and invigorating wellness challenges, you're never alone on your journey. Plus, our uplifting membership chat area awaits your stories and questions. 
Join us now and let's embark on this wellness adventure together!

Abundant Acres LLC
Canton, TX - USA

DISCLAIMER: The information provided on this website is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. 
As independent distributors of Young Living Essential Oils, we have personally researched and trust the purity of their oils. Our confidence in using Young Living products is based on their Seed to Seal Commitment, which ensures the highest quality standards. We have personally witnessed this process during our visits to the farms. While we are passionate about natural wellness, we are not licensed medical professionals. We do not provide diagnoses or take responsibility for your health. We strongly recommend that you conduct your own research and have conversations with medical professionals you trust. Please note that the information provided on this website is not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you are considering making any changes to your medical routine, we encourage you to consult with a healthcare practitioner. This information is aimed at promoting learning and enhancing overall well-being and should not be used for diagnosing, treating, curing, or preventing any disease.

Copyright Rooted in Wellness